What is Chakra Meditation? How to do Chakra Meditation?

What is Chakra Meditation? How to do Chakra Meditation?

  It is thought that within our bodies there are focal points of energy, this energy affects our whole life and allows us to experience life and everything that happens around us. 

These focal points of energy are called chakras and there are seven of them located throughout the body. 

These chakras can come out of alignment and when this happens they have an effect on the organs where the chakras are located; this then leads to illness and disease.

The 7 Chakras are

1. Crown chakra – this is found at the very top of the head, and is associated with feelings of the mind and spirit. The colour associated with this chakra is violet.

2. Brow chakra –
this is found in the center of the forehead and is also known as the third eye, the chakra relates to perception, insight, imagination and clairvoyance. The colour associated with this chakra is indigo.

3. Throat chakra – this chakra is found in the throat and is associated with communication. The colour associated with this chakra is sky blue.

4. Heart chakra –
this chakra is found at the heart and relates to feelings and matters of the heart such as love and understanding. The colour associated with this chakra is green.

5. Solar plexus chakra – this chakra is found just above the navel and below the chest, it is associated with the discipline of the ego and the colour associated with this chakra is yellow.

6. Naval chakra - this chakra is found in the lower abdomen and relates to physical feelings of love, compassion and sexuality. The colour associated with this chakra is orange.

7. Root chakra - this chakra is found at the very bottom of the spine and is associated with one's health and our ability to master the body. The colour associated with this chakra is red.

The chakra meditation

Sit comfortably in a chair and let your hands come to rest gently on your thighs, begin to breathe slowly and deeply, while letting all thoughts drift away.

Begin to picture a circle of energy near the base of your spine, at the root chakra, feel it glowing and feel its warmth gently spreading throughout the area.

Pause for a few moments while continuing to breathe slowly and deeply then gently move your thoughts upward to the navel chakra.

Feel the heat and light of energy glowing around the naval chakra, feel the energy the light brings and feel the warmth of healing.

Gradually move upward throughout your body pausing at each of the seven chakras, feeling the energy light glowing and the warmth radiating from the light, healing and restoring each chakra in turn, bringing them back in alignment.

When you have reached the crown chakra, imagine your whole body filled with warmth and feel the power of energy that now flows unhindered throughout your entire body.

When you are ready to come out of your meditation gently stretch and let out a sign before coming slowly to your feet.

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