The most Powerful Meditation - Cyclic Meditation

Cyclic Meditation
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The cyclic Meditation is the oldest form of Mediation. It is reinvented by H.R. Nagendra who can invent from ancient text from mandukya upnishad.

Invented for the people of who goes under the work related stress like in Banking sector or corporate sector and other goes under such like Stress level.

This is the Process in the Mandukya Upnishad which has been divided into two part of cycle which is Stimulation and relaxation. It is continue in the form of cycle as per name Cyclic Meditation.

Benefits of cyclic Meditation

     Cyclic meditation can helps to reduce Bessel Metabolic Rate (BMR) from 24% to 27%. When you take a deep sleep it reduces up to 9% and in 35 to 40 minute practice of Cyclic Meditation it reduces up to 24% to 27%.

     Cyclic meditation can gives three times more relaxation than 6 hours of sleep. But it cannot be replace your sleep with cyclic meditation.

     But when your whole are stressful then this 40 minutes practice can relax your mind as compare to 6 hours of deep sleep.

     It is stress reliever. Also helps to up conscious level your mind.

        Also beneficial for psychosomatic disorder in that problems created by mind such like heart attack, blood pressure(BP), asthma, nasal allergy.


There are no precautions for this meditation. You should follow the precautions when doing standup asanas and sitting asanas.

Those people have knees problem they don’t do the vajrasana; those have blood pressure (BP) problem they don’t do shashankasana they restricted to do exceed of forward bending.


In this technique you should follow some awareness

1.  Pointed awareness

When we are doing some standing postures you should goes your awareness on certain point like wrist joint, etc.

2   Surface awareness

When your whole weight goes on surface then awareness goes on surface during whole technique.

3.     Linear awareness

When you shifted you’re whole body weight on left or right side then your awareness goes on that side it’s called linear awareness. 

4.     Three dimensional awareness

In the whole technique we have do some chanting like ‘A’ kara’ chanting, ‘M kara’ chanting, ‘U’ kara chanting and ‘A’ ‘M’ ‘U’ kara chanting.


It has an eight steps to follow this technique,

Step I

At the opening of this process it has a prayer such as,

Lay sambodaya chittam,

Vikshiptam samye punah,

Sakshayam bijaniyah,

Sampraptam n chalye ||

  First is “Lay sambodaya chittam” chittam means ‘mind’ lay means ‘Drowsiness State’ Or ‘Tamsic state’. Meaning of whole sentence is “awaken your mind when it is goes in Drowsiness state.”

Second is “Vikshiptam samye punah” samaye means ‘Calm Down’ Vikshiptam means ‘there are two state of our mind one is Tamsic which is drowsiness state and second is hyperactive.’ Meaning of these sentences is when your mind hyperactive calm it down.

Third is “Sakshayam bijaniyah” sakshayam means ‘Recognize or try to find out’ bijaniyah means ‘Deep rooter Stress’ meaning of whole line is “recognize the stress in your deeper level.”

Fourth is “Sampraptam n chalye” sam means ‘in equilibrium state’ praptam means ‘achieved’. Meaning of whole sentence is “when you achieved Equilibrium State then doesn’t disturb it”.

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Step II

In second step it has Instant Relaxation Technique (IRT)

For this step you should follow below instructions

First of all you should slowly come to sthiti, bring your legs together join your heels together and palms by the side of body. Keep your face smiley till the end. Gently bring your awareness to the tip of the toes. Stretch your toes, tighten your ankle joints.

Tighten the cough muscle. Pull the knee caps, Tighten the thigh muscles. Compress and squeeze the buttocks. Exhale and suck the abdomen in. Make the fists of the palm and tighten the arms.

Tighten the arms inhale and expand the chest tighten the shoulders neck muscles and compress the face tighten the whole body from the toes to the head tighten release and relax legs apart arms apart palms facing the roof.

 assume the most comfortable position let the whole body sink down let all the groups of the muscles beautifully relax collapse the whole body enjoy the relaxation step two be linear awareness now we will experience the linear awareness slowly bring your legs together hands by the side of the body.

 Now with very slow moments please raise your right hand up along the floor above the head no place your left farm on your tummy and bend your left leg egg knee and slowly turn to your right side taking the head on your tricep muscles now stretch your left leg above the right leg place the left hand on your left thigh now observe the wonderful linear awareness at your right side of the body consciously observe that linear awareness the line like awareness where the body is touching the floor

Step III

Primary and centering now gently for both the legs at the knee and place your left hand on the floor and with the very slow movements. We slowly come to sitting posture and with the help of your hands please come to standing posture now come to relaxation posture.

Here  we chant to bhramari pranayama for 3d awareness now inhale fully and with exhalation chant oprah marie and experience the 3D awareness with the resonance of bhramari pranayama throughout your body relax completely with a smile on your face. Feel the whole body resonating. Now slowly come to streety for doing the centering of the body no slowly lean forward feel.

 The weight of the entire body on the toes pointed awareness slowly lean backwards feel the weight on your heels surface awareness slowly come to the center now lean to the right side the weight of the entire body is on the right edge of the right foot linear awareness now lean to the left feel the same linear awareness and slowly come to the center fill the surface awareness.

 Now the whole body centered the weight of the body is equally distributed throughout the soles of the feet collapse your shoulders smiling face no slowly legs apart feel the changes which are taking place throughout your body after this practice.

Step IV (Standing Asana)

 Standing asana ardhkatichakrasana- lateral arc posture. Now we move on to the first set of stimulation and relaxation. We start at the ardhkatichakrasana from right side slowly raise your right hand up inch by inch sideways raise the arm slowly and continuously to horizontal position.

 While enjoying the movement as the right arm reaches 90 degrees position. Twist the palm at the wrist concentrate on the pointed awareness at the wrist and glide the right hand up to 135 degrees position. Beautiful pointed awareness on the muscles feel the nicest emulation in the shoulder muscles the right biceps touching the right ear feel the blood gushing down the arm.

 Slowly start bending to your left side left palm sliding down along the left type fine moment of surface awareness. Enjoy the fine stretch of the waist muscles on the right side and compression on the left side observe all the changes taking place in your body slowly.

Start coming back to vertical position feel the blood flowing down and spreading of nerve impulses throughout the body. He came stretch and pull up the right arm slowly start bringing the right arm down to 135 degrees fill the pointed awareness at the shoulder as you reach horizontal position and at the wrist. As you slowly turned the palm down feel the tingling sensation at the tips of your fingers continuously glide on the hand by the side of the thigh and hang.

 It freely entire right portion of the body is beautifully charged with no impulse sand energized do it from the left in at occata chakra sauna linear awareness from the left side. Now we slowly go down with the limited movements for experience in the relaxation and up we experience is the linear awareness from the left side. Now slowly come to a sitting posture please take help of your hands to come to sitting posture with limited movements. Now we will move to Langdon posture from left side stretch your left hand towards your left side to go to Langdon posture.

We will experience the linear awareness from the left side. Now rest your head on your left bicep muscles and Alex one on another and a right hand on the right thigh. Now the whole body's weight is going towards the left side where the body is touching the floor experience. The beautiful linear awareness at your left side of the body.

Step v

Quick relaxation technique QRT observe the abdominal movements synchronize the abdominal movements with breathing with feeling quick relaxation technique QRT in first phase. We observe the abdominal movements just observe them. Don't try to interfere with the normal moments please observe the moments for few rounds now in the second phase.

  We synchronize our abdominal movements with the breathing. We bulge out the belly when we inhale and we take the tummy inside. When we exhale synchronize for a few runs phase three breathing with feeling once you inhale feel the energy freshness and lightness with each inhalation and feel removing all the negativities with each exhalation and relax as you inhale the abdominal muscles are coming up feel the whole body getting energized and feel the lightness as you exhale feel the whole body collapsing and sinking down nicely.

 Release all the stresses and tensions completely inhale deeply and exhale completely continue to do for few more rounds benefits relaxation of the body in three minutes limitations no limitation

Step VI

Vajrasana ( ankle posture)

Sitting asanas a vajrasana ankle posture the shashank asana (rabbit posture) chanting of makara

 Pushdrisana (camel posture) chanting of acara we use sound vibrations to increase the stimulation in final posture of certain asanas now we move to second set of stimulation and relaxation

Step 6 a  vajrasana (ankle posture) from QRT( Quick Relaxation Technique) slowly come to shatila dandasana now slowly come to steady in dandasana legs together pumps by the side of the thighs now slowly bend right leg and sit on your right heel bend the other leg also and sit on the left heel now slowly place the prompts on your price and keep the spine erect enjoy the effect of the harmonizing the beautiful balance observed.

 The whole weight of the body is going towards your ankle joints and onto the floor just observe all the changes all the nerve impulses and the sensations

Step 6 b shashank asana (rabbit posture) chanting of makara.

 We use sound vibrations to increase the stimulation in final posture of certain asanas. Now slowly start taking the arms behind hold the right wrist with the left palm start feeling the pulse at the right wrist fill the heart. Wait now slowly start bending down forward for shashank asana the abdominal and the chest muscles pressing the thigh beautiful surface awareness.

Now collapse the forehead on the ground fine surface awareness collapse the shoulders observe all the changes going on they increased the flow of blood into the head and feel the heaviness in the head region inhale and chant makara fill the resonance throughout the head.

3d awareness slowly come up to vajrasana carefully follow all the changes in the head region feel the lightness in the head. Feel the heartbeat find 3d awareness throughout the body slowly release your palms and place them on the thighs Near the knees.

Step 6c pushdrisana camel posture chanting of acara videos sound vibrations to increase the stimulation. In final posture of certain asanas slowly raise up to stand on the knees and observe all the changes in the head region slowly slide the palms up and support the waist with the palms fingers pointing forward slowly.

Start bending backward from the west relax the neck muscles head hanging freely down go further down to west rosanna by placing both the palms on the source of the feet have a beautiful smile on your face inhale and a chant acara inhale beautiful stretching of the abdominal land thoracic muscles slowly return by releasing the arms and placing them on the west fill the avilon key of nerve impulses throughout the body.

 Feel the heartbeat now slowly come back to watch rosanna by placing the palms on the thighs now please unfold the left leg and the right leg slowly come to shatila dandasana feel all the changes and three-dimensional awareness throughout your body.

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Step VII                                                                     

 Deep relaxation technique DRT deep relaxation of the body in ten minutes slowly slide down to shavasana with the support of the elbows legs. Apart hands apart palms facing the roof lifts the whole body collapse on the ground. Just to surrender the body's weight to the gravity relax the whole body collapse all the joints and relax all the muscles.

Let loose and let go now consciously we go deep into her muscular level and relaxed the group of muscles not consciously observe your toes and make them loose and relax your ankle joints and make them loose.

 Relax the cuff muscles relax the knee joints gently pull up your kneecaps and release relax your thighs. Relax your buttocks leave them loose on the floor relax your hip joints. Relax your waist pelvis and the pelvic muscles now the lower part of the body is completely relaxed. Let us enhance the relaxation by chanting of acara inhale. Now we move on to the middle portion of our body relax your spinal guard collapse the spine on the floor.

 Just to surrender it to the gravity relax your low back middle back and the upper back relax your shoulder blades and the shoulder joints relax both the arms relax your tricep muscles biceps forearm elbows wrists palms fingers and even the fingertips to relax focus on your abdominal muscles just observe the wonderful movement of the abdominal muscle relax.

 Now move on to your chest muscles relax the chest try to hear your heartbeat. Now try to be happy inside without any reason and observe the wonderful relaxation taking place in your cardiac region relax relax your neck joint.  Now we have relaxed the middle portion of our body let us chant bukhara to enhance the relaxation inhale feel the resonance of acara in the middle portion of your body.

Now we move on to the head region relax your neck joint relax the lower jaw relax the jaw joint relax the upper jaw focus your awareness on your teeth and the gums she likes them leave the tongue loose relax the chin cheeks nose have a gentle smile on your lips.

 You can observe the wonderful relaxation taking place in your facial muscles relax your eyes eyeballs feel the gentle touch of the eyelids to the eyeball to sharpen our awareness relax the eyebrows. Forehead temple region years back side of the head and top of the head.

Now we have relaxed at the head region to enhance this relaxation let us chant makara inhale observe the wonderful resonance of makara spreading the head region relax no scan your body from toe to top of the head and if you found still any stiffness in any part and just let loose and let go now we chant ah boom ah to relax. The whole body once again inhale.  Now we are completely relaxed at an imekosher now please observe your breath at the tips of your nostrils the air is entering into your nostrils like a tray.

Just observe the gentle touch of the air at the tips of your nose now please observe the difference in the touch of the air when you inhale the touch is cool and when you exhale the touch is little warm please observe the difference.

Now if you can observe the breath has become slow soft gentle and rhythmic you are relaxed at pranamaya kosha if you can observe the mind the mind has also become calm and quiet because of slowing down of our breath.

 The mind has very limited cards when the mind is calm the intellect raises. Now let us take the help of the intellect and observe what is that form through which we are able to move inside from our door to the top of head.  Make the body relax and what is that form through which we could observe our breath and make it slow the arted consciousness.

 We are not limited to this body and mind. We are that all pervasive awareness to visualize our swissvirupa let us come out of this limited body ness. Please visualize a pass to blue sky over your head come out of the cloudiness and slowly become one with it infinity of the sky.

You are spreading everywhere you are the infinity become one with a silence and the infinity this is the state which cannot be touched by any one from outside. This is the state the fire cannot burn this is the state the water cannot let you and the air cannot move you. You are that you are the all-pervasive awareness this is the yoga the individual consciousness has joined with the universal consciousness and become one with her relax enjoy the state of place enjoy the state of infinity ananthasamaptti.

 We have gone into the deep set list existence of a being we do not know where the body is gently move your toes and fingers to come back to the physical body consciousness in this wonderful state of our being let us all pray for the health, happiness and peace of the whole universe











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