Meditation Tips & Techniques Articles

Meditation Tips & Techniques Articles

 What Is Meditation?

  There are many different forms and styles of meditation with all of them relating to the same point, awareness of oneself.

A Simple Breathing Meditation

  This is one of the easiest forms of meditation which you can learn, it is one that can be done anywhere, at any time without anyone even realizing you are meditating.

Active and Passive Meditation

   While there are many different forms of meditation there are only two different types, active and passive meditation:

Buddhist Meditation

   Buddhist scriptures give us a great deal of insight into meditation, the techniques are clearly explained and include the Buddhist's own meditation practices.

Chakra Meditation

   It is thought that within our bodies there are focal points of energy, this energy affects our whole life and allows us to experience life and everything that happens around us.

Meditation Facts

   Meditation is a great way to help relieve stress and anxiety; it calms the senses thereby enabling the mind to become still and the body to become passive.

Mantra meditation

   Mantra meditation is one of the oldest forms of meditation and one which Tibetan monks practice daily, a mantra is simply a group of sound vibrations which are used to focus the attention on.

Meditation Aids and Equipments

   While no special equipment is necessary for you to be able to practice meditation there are some things which can help you in your meditation, however, they are by no means necessary and your experience will be just as meaningful and helpful to the mind and body without the use of any special equipment.

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