10 Surprising Meditation facts thats you should know!

10 Surprising Meditation facts thats you should know!

The Meditation Facts Are As Follows:

1. Meditation is a great way to help relieve stress and anxiety; it calms the senses thereby enabling the mind to become still and the body to become passive. 

Most meditations involve focusing on an object which can range from watching a candle flame, concentrating on your own breath, or focusing on a sound.

2. Meditation relies on a person being able to turn their thoughts inward and eliminating any other thoughts, with practice this becomes easier to do and can be practiced anywhere and at any time you need to.

3. Awareness links all forms of meditation, some forms are designed to help induce a particular frame of mind, healing meditations can help to detoxify the body, religious mantra-based meditations can bring you closer to God and meditations aimed at opening the heart can help with you gain compassion.

4. Meditation will help you to relax and become focused on the task at hand, many busy executives have found that they don’t need levels of high anxiety to cope with the demand of their work but have found instead that they are more productive after having calmed down after meditation.

5. Even those with the busiest schedule will have time to meditate, meditation can take as little as 10 to 15 minutes and the more you practice the easier it will be to let go and relax.

6. If you are concerned about falling asleep while meditating or you become anxious then try meditating with your eyes open, or if you start your meditation with your eyes closed then open them slowly halfway through your meditation if you feel you might fall asleep.

7. Meditation relies on non-judgmental awareness, just accepting things as they are and dealing with them. It isn’t about changing things or striving to reach a higher level, you should just let things happen and be aware of the moment.

8. You don’t have to sit in any particular position or do anything special in order to meditate, you can practice a simple form of meditation anywhere you are and at any time you need to, there is only one basic rule to all forms of meditation and that is calming the mind while relaxing the body and letting go of all worries, fears, and thoughts while remaining alert.

9. You can meditate while doing all activities in your daily routine, for example, if you are taking a shower then concentrate and focus the mind just on the simple task of showering and let go of all other thoughts.

 For example notice how the water feels against your skin, how the sponge or washcloth feels, and take notice of the fragrance of the soap, focus on all these aspects while enjoying the simplicity.

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