About Us

   My name is Pravin. I am a mechanical engineer. I am a self-motivated, motivated person. I have the ability to work in extremely stressful situations. Being qualified in mechanical engineering, I am used to working long and hard hours around the clock.
  My interests include surfing the "worldwide web" to keep my knowledge updated. My basic instinct, I think, is to learn and explore all the time.

     Learning human nature is one of my other interests. Every man's nature is so unpredictable and varied; I really love the study of how different individuals respond to different situations.

  Another aspect of my personality is that I am a very creative person. I think creativity is the key to any problem/situation. One has to think creatively to break down a problem into smaller and more manageable components.

   I believe that we should pay maximum attention to our health because if you have more money but you do not have health then it does not mean anything. That is why we should pay more attention to our health. Therefore, I will help to keep you healthy with the help of this blog. 

It is one of the best blogs. It gives you detailed information about Yoga, Meditation, Spirituality,  Weight loss,  Nutrition. 

Thanks for coming here.

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