Mantra Meditation- The oldest form of Meditation.

Mantra Meditation- The oldest form of Meditation.

   Mantra meditation is one of the oldest forms of meditation and one which Tibetan monks practice daily, a mantra is simply a group of sound vibrations which are used to focus the attention on. 
What is Mantra?
The word mantra is come from the two sanskrit words.
"MAN" means "MIND"
"TRA" means "Vehicle" or "Instrument"
The mantra is an Instrument of the Mind - A Powerful Sound or Vibration that you can use to Transport the mind from a state of activity to one of stillness and deep state of Meditation.
The person can choose their own mantra but it is important that the words appeal to the person speaking them, some of the most commonly used mantras are:

* OM – this is thought to be a sound of infinity and immortality, it is most often used at the beginning of a meditation and prefixes other sounds. 
It is base of all vowels. In Hindu religion it has big importance.


* OM NAMO - this mantra means to give honor to or thanks to, this could be giving praise to a God.

* OM NAMO GANESHAYA - Ganesha is the god of success, this mantra can be performed to bring about success by removing obstacles in one's path.

* OM NAMO LAKSHMI - Laksmi is the Hindu goddess of prosperity in all aspects of life, be this financial, emotional, or spiritual prosperity. This mantra can be performed to welcome good fortune into your life.

* OM NAMO SHIVAYA - this mantra is performed to bring tranquil insight into your mediation and helps to destroy negative qualities.

* OM TARA- this mantra is said to evoke compassion, strength, and healing.

* RAM - this mantra is the name of God, it is thought by using this mantra truth, righteousness and virtue will follow you.

   It is important to remember that you should choose a mantra that suits who you are and what feels and sounds right to you. 

Mantra meditation not only has an effect on our physical body but it also affects the emotions, intellect, and soul. Mantras also have an effect on the energy fields which surround our body, the aura.

    It is thought that by repeating the mantra over and over in meditation it helps to re-program the vibration of cells in our body which have gone out of alignment. 

Restoration is made to each and every cell deep within the body, therefore, bringing back harmony and health back to the body.

The energy of the mantra

    When we hear a word we have a reaction to it, this is because we have been conditioned by our experiences to a specific word. 

For example, when we hear the word mother it evokes feelings of love, calm, and compassion. We hear the word death and it brings out feelings of sadness, concern, and pity. 

When you consider the impact words can have on us and our feelings it’s easy to see why mantra meditation can have such a powerful effect on our lives and health.

Japa mantra meditation

   One of the most common forms of mantra meditation is Japa, this involves the use of beads, and the meditation is performed by holding the beads which usually consist of 108 beads and rotating them by one bead for each repetition of the mantra. 

The beads which are called Japa mala are a very effective way of keeping the mind on the task in hand without it wandering off. 

This is why mantra meditation and particularly Japa mala is often recommended for the beginner.

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