How to do suryanamskar yoga at home with easy steps?

How to do suryanamskar yoga at home with easy steps?

    Hi have a  good day welcome to Medi-Yoga into the day's sequence we'll be looking at the Surya Namaskar in the Surya Namaskar.

in sanskrit, surya means sun and namaskar means salutation or greeting that means to greeting to the sun. in ancient ritual it is a twelve step yoga pose that can warm up your body before start the other yoga poses.

It's more important to allow the asanas to flow one into the other the pseudonymous car can be done either fast or slow or medium-paced the faster-paced one is more as a cardiac exercise the slow-paced one helps to tone the muscles and the body. 

    So whatever your speed there is something happening at the same time do as much as you can do not force as potentially says the oremsukham asanam do as much as you can it's good to do 12 rounds of SuryaNamaskar six on one side six on the other but make sure you do as much as you can do not force yourself do the asanas with the smile enjoy the stretches say good day we'll be starting the Surya Namaskar.

Suryanamskar yoga

   Steps of Suryanamskar:

  For Surya Namaskar come to the front of your mat keep your feet together balance your weight equally on both the feet tuck your tailbone in just expanded shoulders relaxed keep your gaze neutral as you breathe in lift both the arms up from the sides as you exhale come into prayer position pants together in front of TechStars parallel to the floor.

 This is a position of strength both physically and mentally as you breathe in lift the arms up and back keeping the biceps close to the years may push the pelvis forward a little bit.

   If you're feeling strong in the neck then you may drop your head back make sure you're reaching up with the fingers rather then trying to bend backward remember in this position the effort is to stretch the whole body up from the heels to the tips of the fingers as you exhale bend forward from the waist keeping the spine erect and as you exhale completely bring the hands-down to the floor beside the feet.

  You may bend the knees if necessary bring the palms down to the floor now with the palms on the floor make a gentle effort to straighten the knees it's a good idea to keep the hands fixed in this position and not move them henceforth till we finish with the sequences.

 You breathe intake your right leg back as far back as possible bring the right knee to the floor, look up to make sure that the left foot is exactly below the left knee if they're not aligned you may take your right leg back a little bit in this position make a gentle effort to push the hips down towards the floor and look up as you breathe intake the left leg back the whole body in a straight line.

      Make sure you're not taking the hips up or down make sure the arms are perpendicular to the floor shoulders above the hands bring the knees down to the floor exhale take the hips back slightly slide forward chest and chin on the floor.

    Make sure the hips are raised up a little bit the two hands the two feet to knees chest and chin on the floor since eight parts of the body are touching the floor is also called the Ashtanga Namaskar.

    keeping the hands and feet where they are slide forward raise the chest up into  the Cobra posture in this posture is okay to keep the elbows bent but keep the shoulders away from the ears lookup, as you inhale, make a gentle effort to push the chest forward as you exhale make a gentle effort to push the navel down tuck the toes undertake sure you're doing as much as you can do not force as you exhale lift the hips uplift the tailbone up bring the chest downwards add homogeneous on the downward dog.

     Make a gentle effort to press the chest down towards the floor keeping the heels down, make a gentle effort to lift the tailbone up going deeper into the stretch breathing in bring the right foot forward in between the two hands, left knee down to the floor press.

     The hips down lookup make sure the right foot is directly below the right knee the right calf perpendicular to the floor in this position make a gentle effort to push the hips down towards the floor.

This you exhale bring the left foot forward keep the palms on the floor you may bend the knees if necessary now keeping the pants on the floor make a gentle effort to straighten the knees see, if you can touch your nose to the knees keep breathing as you breathe in roll the spine hands go up.

    when backward a little bit pushing the hips forwards a little bit make sure you keep the biceps by the side of the years more effort to stretch up rather than stretching backward and you exhale first straighten the body and then bring the arms down relax in this position.

       It is extra necessary to permit the asanas to stream one into the opposite pseudonymous automobile may be completed both quick or sluggish or medium-paced the faster-paced one is extra as a cardiac train the slow-paced one helped to tone the muscle tissue within the physique so no matter your velocity there's something occurring on the similar time do as a lot as you may.


     Do not force as potentially says the oremsukham asanam do as much as you can its good to do 12 rounds of Surya Namaskar six on one side six on the other but make sure you do as much as you can do not force yourself do the asanas with a smile enjoy the stretches.

    Jai grippy stand at the front of your mat feet together about two inches apart take a deep breath in exhaling in the musting stay there keep breathing as you breathe in slowly take your arms up and back biceps touching the years make an effort to stretch up and then to go back keep breathing in each position exhale bend forward and down bringing the palms by the side of the feed bending the knees if necessary keeping the palms down on the floor make an effort to straighten the knees keep breathing.

   see if you can bring your nose towards me breathe in through the right foot back as much as you can left knee is directly above the heel calf perpendicular to the floor right knee on the floor push the hips down lookup inhale take the left foot back in line with the right foot body.

    In a straight line done Dawson bring the knees down exhale take the hips back slide forward chest and chin on the floor keep the elbows close to the body breathing in push the chest forward and up hips down to the floor, you may keep the elbows bent if necessary look exhale lift the hips up to bring.

    The head down at the home of Xuan asana the downward dog press the heels into the floor lift the tailbone up push the chest down towards the thumb breathe in right foot forward in between the two palms right knee directly above the right heel left knee on the floor press.

      The hips down lookup keep breathing exhale left foot forward palms by the side of the heel may bend the knees. 

if necessary see if we can touch your nose to the knees breath in arms go up and back exhale bring the arms up and down from the sides, release the stretch namaste breeding hands go up and back exhale forward and down arms by the side of the feet make a gentle effort to press the nose down towards the knee breathe in the left foot back left knee on the floor right knee about the right heel lookup push the hips down inhale right foot back body in a straight line.

Benefits of Suryanamskar(Sun Salutation)

Daily practicing the suryanamskar can give you many benefits mentally as well as physically.

  • It will strengthen your muscles and joints.
  • This asana also  improves your digestive system.
  • By daily practicing this asana can help you to loss your weight in naturally day by day.

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