Best Meditation Aids & Equipment You Need In 2020

   While no special equipment is necessary for you to be able to practice meditation there are some things which can help you in your meditation, however, they are by no means necessary and your experience will be just as meaningful and helpful to the mind and body without the use of any special equipment.

Meditation books and audio

   For those wishing to delve deeper into the history and culture behind meditation, there are several particularly helpful books you can purchase on the history and theories relating to the different types of meditation.

  Some people have problems reading what to do and doing it for those people there are several audio tapes which can be followed, they will usually guide you through meditation techniques.

 Two which are of particular help to the beginner are, “beginning meditation” by Colin Moore and is a set of guided meditations aimed at the beginner. “A guided meditation” by Glen Harold contains two 27 minute guided meditations and is also excellent for those starting out in meditation.

Meditation incense

   To help create a relaxing atmosphere for meditating incense may be used, the craft of making incense was established by Tibetan monks which is said to have been at the time of Buddha around 2500 years ago. 

Incense is made up of different herbs, spices, and minerals which are made into a paste, rolled into sticks, and allowed to dry out before being burnt. 

Today incense is used in meditation as a way of helping to calm the mind and body at the beginning and end of the meditation.

Meditation stools

    For those who have trouble maintaining good posture during their meditation, a special meditation stool can help them to attain correct posture. 

The sitting platform of the stool is at a special angle which ensures that the correct posture is maintained by tilting the pelvis slightly forward in order to achieve the correct alignment of the spine.

Meditation mala beads

Meditation mala beads

   Mala beads are an aid to be used in mantra meditation and are a way of focusing the mind while repeating the mantra. The mala consists of 108 beads which are rotated by one bead for every time the mantra is said.

   There are two ways the Mala can be used; the first is by holding the mala between the thumb and the third finger rotating the beads with the middle finger. 

The second is by hanging the mala on the middle finger and rotating the beads with the thumb, whichever way is more comfortable the index finger should never be used for rotating the Mala.

Music for meditation

    There are several music CD`s available to aid in meditation, these can be Tibetan bells, the sound of Tibetan monks chanting or calming sounds such as the ocean or rain falling. 

These are played as background music during your meditation to help relax and calm the mind, they can also be used as a focal point for the meditation itself.

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