How to Fall asleep, Naturally

               Sleep is an important factor in the recovery process of intrusive anxiety. When one suffers from symptoms of anxiety, it is often difficult to sleep at night. A racing mind can be very active at the end of the day, especially when silence provides the right phase for surface concerns.

 It is not difficult to shut down a racing mind after figuring out what is necessary to get in the comfort of a good night. The bonus is that you will feel calm and enjoy your day in the morning.

To fall asleep

        The process of sleeping at night starts in the morning hours of the day. When you wake up it is time to start your natural diet, which will result in a sound and deep sleep at night. It depends on what you do during the day and the nutrition you ingest throughout the day.

To Turn Of All Technology

           The writer Robin Sharma Says in the book 5 am Club that turn of all the technology like mobile , television, laptop, etc. the blue light emitted from the gadgets that effects on our brain .

 So keep in mind that turn off all the technology before 2 hours of sleeping.

Science of nutrition and sleep:

        The amino acid is a precursor to serotonin (a chemical that feels good in the brain). A lean protein (chicken, fish, meat, dairy, etc.) should be eaten with every meal and snack to make amino acids. 

To release serotonin, it is suggested to eat a complex carbohydrate (toast, bagel, dry cereal, etc.) without protein at this time, to feel sleepy at bedtime. Result: A sound in a sleepy, calm and simple way to fall into the comfort of the night.


          The body moves during the day and it gives good sleep at night and it is an easy way to sleep easily. Outdoor exercise is better because fresh air is stimulating and sunshine (even on a cloudy day) increases serotonin in the brain. 

It is always outwardly sharp and contributes to the formation of serotonin in the brain. As young children sleep, their head falls on their pillow as they play outside during the day. As adults we forget to "go out and play" in front of the computer, spending too much time at our desk. 

Take a break at the beginning of the day and take a walk outside. Warning: This can be addictive, as you will feel better and will be able to sleep more well at night.

lighting arrangement:

                   Lighting plays a big role in feeling sleepy while sleeping. The sun sets and our homes, malls, and streets light up. It interferes with the body's production of melatonin, which in turn interferes with our ability to sleep. 

       The evening is the time to turn off the lights early. Allow the body to adjust at night and it will naturally start producing more melatonin, which will give you a feeling of sleep naturally. Also, if you wake up during the night, don't reach for the lights above the bathroom, which will immediately cut the production of melatonin? Try a soft light to maintain the sensations of sleep without interruptions.

Bedroom Atmosphere:

             The bedroom should become a comfortable and quiet place that naturally brings a relaxed feeling in both mind and body. There should be a cool temperature in the bedroom as the body temperature falls while sleeping. 

This is why we recommend slightly cracking the window to allow this process to take place in a cold environment.


      Your mindset is everything when you go to bed at night. If you worry about sleeping throughout the day, you can train your brain to worry, which is related to relaxation and sleep. Is about going completely relaxed. It is the absence of "trying" to do anything. 

In fact, not allowing yourself to sleep will actually ensure you to fall asleep more quickly. This is a paradox and an old trick that works incredibly well.


           To rule out the noise in your mind, due to a racing mind, you may want to focus on external sounds. We have all experienced those distant sounds, in the distance, that surround us at home and filter if we pay attention. Birds, rustle of trees, a train in the distance, rain on the roof and nature and even all the other sounds of the city. It kicks your mind out of your inner thoughts and it neutralizes something to focus on. This neutrality is perfect for going to sleep and giving a dozen.

                        It is a healthier and more nurturing experience to value and protect your sleep. With a few simple changes, getting good sleep becomes your new habit. This is a behavior that is worth getting into and will give you extraordinary benefits. It is a pure and natural approach to feeling strong, aids in eliminating intrusive anxiety and provides an experience that continues to build a strong mind and body. 
        Your body, your mind and your entire spirit will benefit in myriad ways. You will not only find that it is easy to fall asleep, but look forward to your new rest and relaxation.

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