What is Yoga? with the meaning of Patanjali yoga Angas.

What is Yoga? with the meaning of Patanjali yog Angas.

   The simple meaning of Yoga is union. To add one number to another is called union in Mathematics. We want to unite ourselves with another through Yoga. For example, we may say that we want to unite ourselves with our mothers or fathers or brothers and sisters, uncles, husbands, wives, or with anybody. Still further, we can unite ourselves with God who is dwelling in our hearts. 
   The simple meaning of Yoga is to unite, add, meet, etc. It is said that the science of Yoga was started by Lord Shanker. From time immemorial, many Rishis, great Sadhus, Saints and Yogis propounded the subject of Yoga or propagated it. The original book on Yoga philosophy is the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali. Controlling our mental processes has been called Yoga.

 According to Patanjali Yoga has eight Angas:

Yam (Rules of conduct), Niyam (Vows), Asan (Postures), Pranayam (Control of breath), Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), Dharana (concen­tration), Dhyan (Meditation) and Samadhi (tranquillity). To remain free of disease in life or to be able to fight the diseases, we have to think seriously about these four Angas namely:

     Yam, Niyam, Asan, and Pranayam; and we have to think about them deeply and practice them.

Now we see in details about all these eight yoga sutras in detail.

1. Yam

In Yam you should follow some rules as per given in Patanjali yoga sutra. Yam has five subyam's we also see these and also knows that what kind of rules we have to follow,

a. Ahinsa

Ahinsa is one of the spiritual doctrine shared by Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. It means that 'non-injury' and 'non-killing '. It implies to total avoidance of harming any kind of living creatures not only in deeds but also in thought. 

In the modern world, this is followed by Mahatma Gandhi. 

b. Truthful (Satya)

Satya Is a Sanskrit word loosely used as truth. That means never lie anybody they can hurt from us. So be on the path of truthful.

c. Asteya 

Asteya is the Sanskrit word stands for 'not stealing'.  The asteya demands that not steal or not even thaught to steal anybody's property through action, speech and thoughts. It is one of five voves of Hinduism and Jainism.

d. Brahmacharya 

It one of the term in Hinduism and Buddhism. The yogis are strictly followed this method to know herself. Brahmacharya is very powerful concepts in spirituality. Brahmacharya means to save your semen, not waste it.
It's really helpful to us. When you saw the results of brahmacharya, you are surprised.
Now know the rules of brahmacharya,
  1. Get up in the morning before sunrise and start doing yoga, pranayama and meditation.
  2.  Clean your body from internal or external wastes, so you feel fresh.
  3. Diet healthy food. Eat vegetarian food that better for yourself.
  4. Control your emotions. Meditation can help you to achieve this.
  5. Save your semen. Don't waste it.
Follow these rules that change your life. Its change my life too.
Its helps to be healthy, great courage, incredible stamina and long life.

e. Aparigraha

Aparigraha is also a Sanskrit word that implies to not collecting the things. Collecting too much money, gold, lands that can give you pain after some days, collect those things that you want. don't collect too much.
The most powerful meditation- cyclic meditation

2. Niyam

After follow above steps you should follow Niyam. In Niyam there are five subniyam's. Let's know about that,

a. Shauca

Shauca means purity or cleanliness. That means clean yourself ( internally or externally) and your environment too.

b. Santosh's

Santosha implies to contentment.
Its distinguish between true happiness that comes from doing good and happiness that comes at the expense of others. Santosha means be satisfied with that you have. Don't go on for that thing that gives you pain in a long period.

c. Tapas 

Tapas implies discipline. That wants to dedication and burning desire. Its haves discipline to stable in every circumstance. Keep your mind calm.
d. Svadhyaya
Svadhyaya implies to study of self. That's help know more ourself. When you have achieved the goal then continuously start doing this.
e. Ishvara Pranidhana
It implies to devotion to god. Be grateful for every single day in your life. Also find a selfless source of inspiration.

3. Asana

Asana implies to posture. There is a Hatyoga in Patanjali's  Yogasutra it has been 84 types of asana. This 84 Types of asana are categorized into six series, one is primary, one is intermediate and four in advance.
These asana starts and ends with chanting of mantra's. It has a different cycle of sun saturation all are the forms of Astanga yoga. 

Pranayama indicates control of breath. Prana means vital energy in the body or breath. Pranayama are very beneficial for our respiratory system and stomach. 
These can prevent us from respiratory infections, also heals our organs. 

5. Pratyahara

Pratyahara implies to 'withdrawal of senses'. In pratyahara we have to follow Yam and Niyam strickly. Withdrawal of senses means it gives control of your senses in your hands on the level of spirituality.  


Dharana is clarified as "collection or concentration of the mind", or "the act of holding, bearing, wearing, supporting, maintaining, retaining, keeping back, a good memory", or "firmness, steadfastness, ..., certainty". This term is related to the verbal root dhri to hold, carry, maintain, resolve.
After completing the Pratyahara you should in a Dharana phase. In Dharana we have to focus on
Nabhichakra, Nasagra, aadhyachakra. To enter this phase you have to follow all rules and regulations, mention in above. 

7. Dhyana

Dhyana implies to meditation. In dhyana, we have to focus on senses. It only happens By doing Meditation.
The phrase, dhyana, seems in the Bhagavad Gita, a historical Hindu scripture that summarizes the four branches of yoga: Karma yoga, Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga and Dhyana yoga. In the text, Dhyana yoga is interpreted by Lord Krishna as being the yoga of meditation.

8. Samadhi

Samadhi in yoga is the 8th stage of Patanjali's  Astanga yoga. There are a various stage of samadhi each directing with the higher superconscious state of mind. We cannot force with this stage its comes with practice. So, to achieve samadhi, we have practice Dharana, dhyana and meditation.
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In this article, we know that what is yoga? Different kind of yogas. Also knows more about Astanga yoga with there eight limbs such as Yam, Niyam, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi. Also we see basic information about that. I hope you are satisfied with that information. Thank you for reading this article.

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