Kapalabhati the Forehead purification Method by Masterofitness.


Kapalabhati the Forehead purification Method by Masterofitness.

The Sanskrit word “Kapala” means forehead and ‘Bhati’ means purification. This kriya cleanses the forehead.


Sit in Padmasana, Sidhasana or Sukhasana on a carpet or blanket. Keep your waist, back and neck erect. Place your hands on your knees. Shut your eyes and be calm.

 Exhale with pressure. Do not worry about inhaling, you will do it automatically. In the beginning do it “slowly then increase both speed and pressure and do it non stop. 

After doing it for some time exhale and don’t breathe in. Do Jalandhar Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha and Mula Bandha and that is Mahabandh. 

Sit for as long as you comfortably can. Open the three bandhas and breathe in slowly. This is one round of Kapalabhati Pranayama. In the beginning one should do it only twice.

 It can be done five times. In the beginning one should exhale about ten times, then it could be increased up to fifty times.


1. When you practice Kapalabhati your stomach should go in with force while doing the exhalation. While inhalating, the stomach should come to its normal position automatically. 

The only difference between Kapalabhati and Bhastrika is that in Kapalabhati exhalation is done with force and in Bhastrika, both exhalation and inhalation are done with force.

2. See the chapter on Bandh as for information regarding Jalandhar Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha and Mula Bandha.


  • Kapaiabhaii is a very important cleansing process. 
  • The nerves system and the brain are cleansed.
  •  Excess fat on the stomach is reduced. 
  • Phlegm is expelled out of the lungs and they are cleansed. 
  • It is very useful in respiratory diseases.
  •  It increases concentration and therefore helps a man to meditate.

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