The best way to do Basti Kriya orlinema

The best way to do Basti Kriya orlinema
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By drawing up water through the anus and keeping it for sometime and then bringing it out through anus is called Basti Kriya orlinema.


It is necessary to go to a river or pond for doing Basti Kriya. It can be done even in a tub filled with water. These days the easiest way is to take an enema. 

Purchase an enema apparatus. It has a rubber tube with a nozzle attached. Squeeze the juice of a lemon in a tumbler full of warm water. Strain it and put it in the enema pot.

 Apply some oil inside your arms and also the nozzle. Insert the nozzle into the anus after letting out the air. Allow the water to go in. 

Take deep breath as the water goes in. In about a minute all the water will go into the large intestine. Now take out the nozzle. 

Shake the stomach. Lie on your sides and also on your stomach. Wait for nearly five to twenty minutes, as long as you can. Then go to the toilet and allow the water to come out.


Enema should be take in the morning after your bowels are cleaned. You can add a little salt instead of lemon juice. You can also use luke warm water without adding anything. You can use tap water without adding anything during summer.


Enema should not be taken repeatedly. It is enough to take it once a week. For a healthy person doing once or twice in a month is enough. If constipated enema can be taken continuously for 2 or 4 days.

Benefits :

The large intestine is cleaned by enema. Constipation and diseases of the stomach are cured. The digestion and appetite improve. The benefits of enema innumerable.

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