How to practice Trataka With simple steps.

How to practice Trataka With simple steps.

Trataka is a meditation technique which one of six purification technique. Silting quickly and gazing fixedly at a thing or symbol is called Trataka.
Trataka means 'to look' or 'to glaze'.


Sit on a carpet or blanket in Padmasana Sukhasana. Keep your waist, back, neck and the spinal column erect. Sit calmly and breathe normally. 

Make some sign on a piece of paper like a circle or a cross. Hang it on wall in front of you at the level of your eyes at a distance of meters from you. Now gaze the sign or image without closing your eyes. 

Concentrate only on the sign or image. Continue to gaze till your eyes start aching. Now close your eyes and gaze on that sign for sometime with your mind’s eye. You can do Tratak by concentrating on the flame of a lamp or candle. 

Light a candle or lamp and keep it on a stool or a stand at the level of the height of your eyes. The flame of the candle or lamp should not flutter. Keep the candle or lamp at a distance of 2 feet from you. 

Now Fix your gaze on the flame. Continue to ga?.e without winking till your eyes start watering. Gradually increase the time. In the end close the eyes and rest.


  • Trataka cures the diseases of the eyes.
  •  The eyesight improves. 
  • It increases the power of concentration and vanishes laziness.
  • it will boost your willpower also.
  • it will also helps you to have a emotional stability.

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