The best stomuch cleaning technique Vamana Dhauti by Masterofitness

To wash the stomach with water is called Vamana Dhauti. This is also called Kunjala kriya or Gaja Kami. 

In Sanskrit Vamana means middle and Dhauti means cleaning. 


Heat 4 to 6 litres of water till it is luke warm so that it can be easily drunk.

Now sit in Utkatasana on your feet. Keep the waist, back, neck, the spinal column straight. Keep the waist loose. Now drink the warm water without pause till the water comes up to your throat.

 While drinking, do not speak or laugh or stop or bend. Now stand up. Bend a little forward.

 You can keep the left hand on the left knee. Shake your belly. Throw up the water by putting your index and middle finger inside your throat.

Continue to keep 2 fingers inside the throat. Try to throw up all the water you have drunk.

 There is nothing to worry if a little water remains inside. It goes out in urination. Rest at least for half an hour. Then you can take refreshments or food.


Vamana Dhauti can be done on an empty stomach after cleaning the bowels and after taking a bath in the morning. One should not take bath after Vaman Dhauti. It is enough to do this once in a week. If it is not necessary do it only once a month. Some people drink water while standing instead of drinking water in a sitting position.


Heart patients should not do Vamana Dhauti.


  • Disorders of the gall bladder and gas are cured by Vamana Dhauti.
  •  The intestines become clean. 
  • Diseases of the stomach and throat are cured. 
  • It cures heart burn, indigestion and prevents formation of gas in the stomach. 
  • Appetite improves and the body feels light. 
  • It is very beneficial in polio.

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