How to do Frog pose (Mandukasana) (bhekasana) with easy steps and different variations.


How to do Frog pose (Mandukasana) (bhekasana) with easy steps and different variations.

Today we are going to cover in depth a pose or stretch that most of you Hate it’s the frog pose or in martial Arts terms Knee split.

 Today we’re going to be going Over ways that Anybody can do this stretch, so that when You come across it in a stretching class Or a yoga class.

   You don’t get anxious going into it and You can find your own way of doing it Safely Make sure you’ve had a warm up a dynamic Stretch and you’re ready to stretch. 

 even Further We’re going to be doing frog pose for Around 10 minutes but don’t worry I’m Going to be telling you lots of Different variations and modifications Throughout this pose. Let’s get straight into it so for the Purpose of today’s article. 

 Make sure you’ve got like a bowl stop or A cushion Or a pillow something that you can just Lean on lie on Or place your knees on to help be more Comfortable within the pose With that being said I’m going to start My timer And we’ve got 10 minutes in frog pose.


1.Strengthens the back muscles. 

Ever exercising frog pose can assemble back strength, which helps support your backbone and improves posture. Notwithstanding, consult a able physician before seeking this pose if you suffer from bred-in-the-bone lower back pain or spinal injury.

2.Promotes better ring. 

Frog pose opens your bin, which can enhance lung function by allowing added oxygen to flood through your system. This increased flood can help enhance ring and tone your respiratory muscles.

3.Stimulates digestion. 

Frog pose stimulates internal organs like the classes, bowel, and liver, which can have a advantageous effect on your digestive system.

Preparatory pose

  • Reclining Hero Pose (Supta Virasana) 
  • Camel Pose (Ustrasana) 
  • Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) 
  • One-Legged Frog Pose (Eka Pada Bhekasana) 

Pose Level


Pose Type



How to do Frog pose (Mandukasana) (bhekasana) with easy steps and different variations.

 So one of the first variations that you Can do in frog pose if you’re completely New to this Is to start lying down on your tummy Legs extended behind you And then from here you just do it with One leg.

So you bring one leg in externally Rotate your hip And then we bring that knee up into this Right angle Foot stacked under neath me in line with Hip And we’re going to flex that foot okay And this is your half frog pose although The other leg straight. 

we’ve got the exact motion that we Need With one leg remember to breathe Belly breathe in into the nose Out through the nose but make sure You’re breathing into your belly not Into your chest And we’re going to rotate switch legs That leg down and out Opposite leg up and into our One-legged frog.

  Now for the next version I would really Like you to grab a pillow Or a cushion or a bolster and we’re Going to do the same thing One legged frog but one leg extended out To the side.  

    So I want you to take your bolster or Your cushion place it next to you And then you’re going to place your foot On top of it.  

 On the other side we’re going to come up Onto our knee And then we’re going to come into a half Knee split.  so Come up onto this knee and then let that Leg extend out as wide as you can  And then go lower and lower as low as You can.

 Within this stretch I’ll just show you From a side angle Yeah and we’re going to switch legs do That on the other side. 

So come up nice and slowly place the Opposite foot On and then just lower That leg out extending that leg and come Down through the center point as low as You can.

     Good and then work your way back in Perfect now from there what we’re going To do is place the bolster. 

In the center point and we’re going to Almost sit on it And coming into our knee straddle.   

 so We’re going to do frog Over your bolster or your pillow Good now I want you to get into the Habit of flexing your feet. 

So that you can protect your knees a Little more and we’re going to come Forward here Good and then relax take the bolster or Cushion away And now we’re going to try and open up For the first time Into our frog pose without any props. 

  So what are we going to do is to come on To all fours And then I want you to just tilt your Feet out to the side Followed by the knees and as you can see I don’t really like using a yoga mat for This stretch purely because I can slide Easier on the floor without one so I’m Going to open up as wide as I can And no matter where you are it’s Absolutely fine.

  so just go to your Maximum point of flexibility And we’re going to hold Remember to flex through the feet And what you’re aiming for is a right Angle from your hips To your feet so your feet are stacked Under your knees And then your knees are in line with Your hips Good now if you’re not fully down yet. What I would like you to do Is to rock your hips back and forward.

Now if the pressure on your knees is too Much Try to bring your feet to touch behind you and that just Might take the pressure off of your Knees and now from there What I want you to try and do is to rock Your hips forward And back and forward And back A little bit of movement is good That’s it you don’t have to go as much As I am And then come back to your center point.

    Now we’re going to come down onto our Front and you can either come onto your Forearms here Or you can use your cushion or your Bolster. Good now what I want you to do is to Take Your torso round towards one side.    

    So you might just get to here and that Be enough Or you can come as far around as you wish towards this knee And then to the other side  Okay now we’re going to come up onto our Palms And just take a big breath in And then lower down exhale And we’re going to do that four times And then come up onto your hands and Then we’re going to thread the needle. 

 so We’re going to take one hand Place it through the opposite hand and The hip so you’re going to come through That center gap Lay onto that shoulder and then Get a little rotation through your body Good ten more seconds And we’ll repeat that on the opposite Side And release very well done guys.

So there we have it many variations Of frog pose and I hope now it’s not so Daunting to you And you now feel more at ease about Going into it remember you don’t have to Do the full pose you can do Any of these modifications or variations Stay safe guys look after your body and Remember this is a really intense Stretch.


By practicing the mandukasana, you can see many benefits like strengthen the back muscles, promotes better ring, stimulates the digestive system.

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