Anantasana(Side-Reclining Leg Lift)with Benefits.


   Anantasana also known as Vishnu pose also known as side reclining leg liftFriends it's one of the best balancing pose, especially on the sides.

 It is misleading because it says sleeping or reclining but friends it’s one of the challenging poses especially when you're lying on your side and balancing this pose. 

So don’t think it is as an easy one although it might look.

 So when you see the images but when you start practicing you will find laughter because you keep falling either for the front or to the sides because we never practice something lying down on the sides and without the support right so it's challenging but its great fun. 

So it comes into a beginner level. So you can say beginner to intermediate level a balancing hip-opener.

Anantasana(Side-Reclining Leg Lift)with Benefits.

Meaning Anantasana

Anant -  “Without End” Or “An Infinite One”

Asana – “Posture” Or “Pose”

Pose Type

stretch, Balance, Side-bend

Pose level



 Before we get into the practice just contraindications or caution:

    People with recent chronic injury to the back shoulders or the hip should definitely avoid this pose and especially at the neck region because when you are doing the Anantasana there are chances that if you had a neck pain on injury it might aggravate.

    This anantasana quite not suitable for peoples with spondylitis issues or slip disc problems and sciatica pain.

 If you are dealing with such conditions then take advice from your qualified doctor and practice this pose under the guidance of your professional yoga teacher.

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Preparatory Asanas


Supta Padangusthasana

Follow-up poses

Adho mukha svanasana

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Steps for Anantasana

  So let's get started so lying down on your side so whenever you are sitting in across-legged position always use a block to sit in just elevates your hip and whenever the hip is higher than the knee. 

You are comfortable at your lower back. So even if you are on the chair or anything.  Let’s get into Anantasana that is side reclining legged. So lie down on  right hand side.

  So first I start with a very easy one where you slowly and steadily prepare yourself. So if you find that your hamstrings are tight and you still want to do it. So there are two options bend the knees or hold as a trap that is this belt.

   So first do it with the bend knees.   So first check so your Mat line would be the guiding factor so whenever lie down or check that your leg is not like this or back your body is exactly parallel to the mat line. 

So checks the position your toes are pointing now check the hip. It's not going in front, it's not going, back it's Center.   

    So you can feel your greater trochanter that is the side of the bone. Now if you find this difficult you can keep it here keep the front fingertips on the floor.  

 Now here bend the knee when you bend the knee you get a foundation. Now bend the knees hold the big toe and straighten it.   Now if you are comfortable here.

    Next is lift the head up and that's the position. Just in it's a very easy right now because it's a bigger level that what we are doing. 

Yeah, it's a great stretch to your hamstrings and your groin and you breathe at the same time, you are aware that you are not falling backward and you breathe now those of you if you find difficult over here they can always use a strap.

    So just hold it anything it can be anything   and you can still do it that's completely fine you can take anything. You can take a cloth to hold it there but focus to keep it on the ball of the feet not on the arches the ball of the feet. 

If you see the ball of the feet not of the arches.  So holding it stretching it and just enjoy the pose friends it’s very relaxing.

   To activate your arches don't forget to activate the arches. So this is a way that you can slowly and steadily get into a beginner level mode now. 

Let’s get into the second angle where we straighten the legs.   Let us see how it works and so once you straighten the legs wide check the positioning not tilting.

   Now you lift the leg up and then take it down slowly now keep the hands on the hip. 

I can feel that you are wobbling and shaking a bit right now from here check the neck position you are still fine you are not wobbling and shaking. So don't forget to engage your core and Gluts this two would help you.

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   So that you're not wobbling so need to work on your oblique’s also now from here bend the knee.

 The reason behind you are laughing is because I can feel you are tipping over the front and back you hold your big toe and lift up.

    You are not sure that you'll fall   and that's your pose friends. It's quite a challenging one and arches are active and you can see that you are a little bit tipping over front and back but that's what it is you know to keep the shoulders down.

   So we don't need squeezing to keep the shoulders down and breathe and don't forget to smile right. 

So breathe in and out breathe in and out feel the stretch in your calf in your hamstrings in the groin and you can feel that you are tipping over but yes you are trying to manage it out.

   So that's your pose that is your side reclining pose you can stretch. If you are flexible you can really take the legs a little bit more. 

So hold it there stretch it and maintain that pose and breathe. Engaging the core engaging the glute snow bends the knees and stretch out and relax. Now friends you can do some variations.

    Right so this Anantasana we have lots of variations now from here if you want to really work on your oblique palms here inhale exhale circle inhale-exhale inhale-exhale. 

So reverse it out also inhale-exhale so and the next option can be lifting up inhale-exhale inhale-exhale.

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Benefits of Anantasana

  •  It is a great stretch to the hamstrings to the hips to the calf pelvis and the groin and at the same time, it increases mobility.
  •  It can help you to reduce lower back pains improves balance memory and concentration holding. The pose requires a great deal of calmness into the mind and a clear thought process so friends that was your Anant pose or the reclining side angle pose or also known as a Vishnu pose.
  • Anantasana stretches your lower and upper body
  • It also helps to reduce fats around your tummy, hips, chest area, and legs.
  • Anantasana also improves blood circulation.
  • It’s also helpful for women’s; this pose helps to relieve symptoms of periods and menopause.

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