10 Mudras Of Meditation And Its Benefits In Your Good Life.

10 Mudras Of Meditation And Its Benefits In Your Good Life.

   The Mudras technique can be used alongside mantra meditation, Mudras involves the use of the hands and forming certain postures or positions with them. 

The physical body is thought to be made up of five elements; these are air, water, fire, earth, and Aakash, which are the minute intercellular spaces in the body.

   It is when an imbalance occurs within these elements that we begin to suffer from problems without the immune system and this can then cause illness or disease. 

The imbalance or realignment of any of these elements can be made by connecting parts of the body, as in Mudras.

   The particular parts of the body used are the fingers and thumb; it is thought that by using the fingers which represents a certain element to touch the thumb, the element associated with it is then brought into balance. 

An electromagnetic current is sent through the body by the Mudras which then balances certain areas thus eliminating disease and illness.

The fingers and their elements

* The thumb - this represents fire.

* Index finger - this represents air.

* Middle finger - this represents Aakash.

* The ring finger - this represents earth.

* The little finger - this represents water.

The benefits Mudras can have

1] Gyan Mudra - 

helps with mental illness, brings happiness and helps to sharpen the memory and intellect.
Gyan mudra

Method: Bring the tip of the index finger to touch the pad of the thumb, keeping the other three fingers stretched out touching each other.

2] Shoonya mudra -

this brings relief to pain caused by disease of the ear.

Method: draw the middle finger up to rest on the base of the thumb resting the thumb on the middle finger while keeping the other three fingers straight.

3] Apaan mudra -

this helps to detoxify the body by eliminating waste through the eyes, mouth, ears, and nose.

Method: join the tip of the thumb with the tips of the middle and ring finger while keeping the other finger straight.

4] Prana Mudra

 this helps the life flow of energy to flow throughout the body and is helpful with all diseases and illnesses.

Method: join the tip of the little and ring finger with the tip of the thumb while keeping the other finger straight.

5] Vayu Mudra – 

is of particular help to those suffering from arthritis and Parkinson’s disease.

Method: press the index finger into the base of the thumb, keeping the thumb on the index finger to make sure the other fingers are straight.

6] Prithvi mudra  

brings happiness and makes the body sturdy.

Method: join the tip of the ring finger with the pad of the thumb keeping other fingers outright and together.

7] Varun Mudra

 improves the quality of blood and brings freshness to the body.

Method:  join the tip of the little finger with the pad of the thumb while keeping the other fingers straight and together.

8] Surya Mudra

 helps with reducing weight.

Method: put the tip of the ring finger at the base of the thumb with the thumb gently resting on it.

9] Linga mudra

 helps in curing colds and flu’s due to the building up of heat.

Method – interlocks the fingers of both hands together while keeping the left thumb up and wrapping the right thumb and index finger around it.

   The Mudras meditation technique can be performed at any time though for best results it is better to carry it out for 24 minutes continuously, preferably it should be done using both hands but if this is not possible then one hand can be used.

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