The Baddha Konasana pose ( Bound Angle Pose) - Masterofitness.


The Baddha Konasana pose ( Bound Angle Pose)

The yoga pose that we know today is a seated asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. 

That is Baddha konasana, also called as Bound Angle Pose, 

Throne Pose,

 Butterfly Pose, or

 Cobbler's Pose, 

and historically called Bhadrasana. 

It is also suitable as meditation seat.

This is Forward bend, Hip opener, Seated type  pose.



Pose Type:

Stretch, forward bend, hip opener

Benefits of baddha konasana

It stretches' the Inguinal region, Thigh, Knee.

it stretches' your inner thigh muscles, groins, front of your thigh.

Preparatory poses for Baddha konasana

  •  Vrikshasana
  •  Virasana
  •   Supta Padangusthasana

Precautions for Baddha Konasana

  • This asana should be avoided in case of Groin or knee injury. 
  • Be careful while bending if you suffer from High blood pressure or any cardiac problems. 
  • Baddha Konasana should be avoided by ladies if menstruating or should be performed under guidance of a yoga expert during those days.
  •  Consult a doctor before beginning an exercise regime.

What is Yoga? with the meaning of Patanjali yoga Angas.

Steps for Baddha Konasana

  • First of all Sit in sukasana.
  • Inhale bring the soles of your feet together.
  • Bring your heel rise to your pine rice  as comfortably as you can 
  • Hold your feet  with your hand. Drop your knee's out to the sides.
  • Exhale And Fold forward then  Touch your forehead to the floor. 
  • Now Breathe Exhale and Come back and sit in sukhasana.

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