Eight Angle Pose : How to Astavakrasana - Masterofitness


Today we know about Astavakrasana it is also called as Eight-Twist-Pose. It is one of the hand balancing yoga in modern exercise which is dedicated to sage astavakra, who is the spiritual guru of king Janaka.

What is the meaning of astavakrasana

It is a Sanskrit word Asta means Eight, vakra means Angle and asana implies to pose.

Pose Level:

  • Advanced

Pose Type:

  • strength, forward-bend, side-bend, Balance, Stretch, Twist.

Benefits of astavkrasana

  • Develops nervous control
  • Reverses the flow of asana.
  • Directs the energy to manipura chakra.
  • Strengthens the wrists, leg and arm muscles.
  • Strengthens the abdominal muscles

What is Yoga? with the meaning of Patanjali yoga Angas.


Limitations for Astavakrasana

  • Injury of the shoulders, arms, wrists, neck, hips, knees, lower back, ankles, feet and pelvis, are all contraindications, hence should be avoided. 
  • Students with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome should also avoid practising this pose.

Preparatory poses

  • Chaturanga Dandasana
  • Uttanasana
  • Baddha Konasana
  • Utthita Parsvakonasana

Follow- up popes

  • Bhujapidasana
  • Dwi Pada Bhujasana

Steps for astavkrasana

we are preparing for our first posture starting with dandasana keeping wrist and shoulder in one line tight knee caps tightening the thighs pushing the navel in moving chin forward and bending the elbows to chaturanga dandasana.

checking the shoulder don't move below the elbow. it can rather stay slightly higher than the elbow and that's always better for health of the shoulder check elbows going closer to ribs chin moving forward legs are tight and active.

  we straighten the elbow raise the hips up to adho mukashwanasana feet. slightly forward keeping in line with the hip chin close to chest keeping the legs active straight knee contracting the thighs close to each other and walking legs forward for the next posture.

   pad hasta feet stays in line with the hips palms under the feet toes touching the wrist abdomen touching the thigh keep looking forward exhale.

   start to raise the hips up raising hips up to straighten the knee continue looking forward until we have knees straight use your exhalation elbows pen push the navel in and start moving head closer to legs leaning forward on the toe checking the shoulder neck relaxing once the knees are straight. 

we want to work on tightening the kneecaps breath relaxing and that will help you go deeper into the posture to come out. we bend the knee look forward release the hands hands on the hip inhale and take a gentle backward bend hips forward lift the chest and look up straight spine feet together sitting down for upper vista konasana.

we have legs apart raise the hip up to separate the legs a little more wide thighs are rolled in toes pointing to its face and holding foot from outside try to have knee completely straight give a lift on the chest use your exhalation push the navel in and start to move chin forward chin moving forward chest is following the chin elbows softly bend pulling it backward back of the knees pushing down to the floor and final position abdomen chest are on the floor.

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 I have a full tutorial on opuvish to konasana along with the preparatory poses. I will put the link in the description box below this one is an excellent posture to open up the hips and hamstrings at the same time which is very important for ashtavakrasana final position to come out 

 we are bending the knee bringing soles together for next posture put one fist away from the body fingers outside thumb inside the foot open up soles of the feet lift the chest up look up exhale and start moving chin forward chest is following the chin moving the elbows out if the spine is stiff that will help you to open up the spine a little more otherwise.

 we will have elbow close to ribs so check how far you have moved further depending on that either keep elbows open or move elbows back keeping it close to ribs chin and chest are on the floor and very important to relax the breath in this position.

  you might be staying half away and that's absolutely fine if you are halfway in this position. I suggest to hold the position for at least two to three minutes because hip opening is very important for final position of ashtavakrasana working on next hip opening before we try balancing.

 so i have my left leg down holding right knee with the right hand right foot with the left hand knee ankle in one line and start to move knee in and out just how we cradle the baby if that feels all right.

 we can bring elbows around the foot and the knee interlock the finger and continue moving knee in and out making sure the spine stays straight the down knee stays straight down.

 ankle stays flexed and continue moving now my left hand is holding outside of right foot right hand on right calf raising the leg high as much as i can and i want to bring back of my right knee on the right shoulder.

  I'm pushing my leg out and in three times just so that I open up the hip a little more and bringing back of the knee on the shoulder you might have to just stay here for a few days.

 once the foot stays once you can fix back of the knee on the shoulder. we have both the hands on the floor fingers open and bring right toe on left knee push the navel in lift the hip up tighten the down thigh and raise the foot off the floor.

 you'll really have to squeeze the navel squeeze the butt to lift the entire body upward exhale release the hip and left leg down and if you can do this which means we are ready for the final position of ashtavakrasana.

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 check hands are not next to hips it is one hand down next to thigh so that when we lift a finally elbow and shoulder will come in one straight line bring left leg on top cross the ankle hook the ankle tightly press back of the right knee tightly on the right shoulder push the navel in lift the hip up and we can just choose to stay here once you find the balance.

 we start to straighten the knee legs moving to the right corner press both the thighs tightly on the right arm and start to bend the elbow remember chaturanga arm position.

 it's the same arm position elbow shoulder in one straight line elbow wrist in one straight line chin and chest is moving forward coming out of the posture in reverse order so straighten the elbow bend the knee drop the foot drop the hips and straighten the legs make sure to repeat the posture on the other side as well.

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In article we can see how to do that Astavakrasana with their benefits. This pose is best for strengthen our wrist and arm muscles. Do this pose by consulting your doctor or trainer. Thanks for reading such wonderful article.

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