How to do Half Moon Pose(Ardha Chandrasana) - Masterofitness


How to do Half Moon Pose(Ardha Chandrasana) - Masterofitness

Today we are going to learn Half Moon Pose or Ardha Chandrasana. It is a standing balancing asana.

This asana affects anatomically the chest, the abdomen, the abs, the belly also the thighs, the ankles and the spine.

This asana is an intermediate asana because it requires a nice balance and also a proper coordination of the muscles.

Pose level:

  • Intermediate

Pose Type:

  • Side-bend, strength, balance, Inversion

Benefits of Half Moon Pose

When you perform this asana, it performs you to stretch the groin region, the calf muscles, the hamstrings also the side of the spine, the chest region, the shoulder region and the whole of the spine.

This asana also strengthens the abdomen, the buttock region along with the spine.

When you perform this asana it improves a neuro muscular coordination, so we can say that the coordination and the sense of balance improve through this.

It is also very good for digestion.

How to do Anjaneyasana and what is its benefits - Masterofitness

Preparatory poses: 

  • Trikonasana
  • Uttanasana
  • Vrikshasana
  • Utthita Parsvakonasana
  • Virasana

Follow-up poses: 

  • Parivrtta
  • Trikonasana

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How start doing Half Moon Pose?

Let’s see how to perform this asana. So, you will stand facing in front on the mat. Now you turn the left foot out and you will step with the right leg about 1 to 1 ½ feet or 2 feet, keeping the right foot bendably.

When you do this, keep the hand by the side of the waist especially the left hand leg which is behind that hand so that you come to know is the hip falling forward or not.

We will not allow the hip to fall forward, we will keep it over. Now slowly as you leaning on the right leg, start lifting the left leg slowly. Maybe, initially you can use a block to hold on if you are on the table to reach.Now this knee, the quads are engaged, the knee caps are engaged and allowing the behind leg to become active by stretching the toes in.

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More importantly, this hand which is there by the side of the waist that should allow to open the chest, that should allow to open the shoulders also allow to open the waist region and if you are balanced slowly raise your hands and up the other hand up.

It is important to keep the head neutral, don’t lift the head up, keep the head neutral, keep both the sides of the neck elongated nicely. Stretching the behind leg active, keeping this leg active, opening the pelvis nicely and balancing.

Once you feel you are comfortable, you can challenge yourself by coming further down. If you are still comfortable you can then slowly come down the floor and hold this position.

Open this area friends, keep breathing, breathing will make things easier. Keep breathing here for about 5 breaths and then slowly with the hand of the side waist, bend the right leg and the knee and slowly come back. And then do it with the opposite side.

Anantasana(Side-Reclining Leg Lift)with Benefits. 


Friends, a nice way to coordinate yourself to understand the neuro muscular coordination and also,
how to maintain the strength in the final posture? How to remain elongated in the final posture. 

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