The Basic principle of yogic Diet - Masterofitness


In Hatha Yoga Pradipika, one of the most significant classical yoga texts provides some advices on a yogic diet. According to yoga vegetarian food or ayurvedic diet, food is traditionally categorized into three Gunas, the primary qualities of nature. These three Gunas are;

Sattva: the quality of love, light and life

Raja: the quality of activity, passion and instability

Tamas: the quality of darkness and inertia, dragging us into ignorance and attachment

A person can be predominated by one of these three qualities. A sattvic person is knowledgeable. A rajasic person is greedy and selfish and a tamasic one is inactive and reckless. In yoga view, food is a carrier of the life force called prana. The qualities of its prana hence have impacts on our consciousness.

Sattvic diet

Sattvic diet is pure and vegetarian. It is easy to digest, mildly cooling and refreshing. Sattvic foods provide calmness and clarity to your mind.

  • Whole grains and legumes
  • Whole meal bread and cereals
  • Fresh organic fruits and pure fruit juices
  • Organic vegetables and flowers
  • Organic milk and derivative milks (butter, cheese and ghee etc.)

Sattvic diet

Lacto-vegetarian foods are recommended as they suitable for building health and balancing mind

Rajasic diet

Rajasic foods are very hot, bitter, sour, dry, or salty. Too much rajasic food consumption induces restlessness and passion, destroying the balance of mind. Hence, yoga practitioners try to avoid this kind of food.

  • Very spicy foods
  • Coffee and tea
  • Eggs
  • Garlic and onion
  • Meat and fish
  • Chocolate

Rajasic diet

Additionally, eating in a hurry is also considered rajasic. However, a little rajasic food can be sattvic. A little spicy food helps digestion, promoting calmness to your mind.

Tamasic diet

Tamasic foods should be avoided since they withdraw the life force (prana). They induce pessimistic, ignorance and sluggishness.

  • Alcohol,
  • Stale and overripe foods

Tamasic diet

Besides considering these three Gunas, the individual's diet should be adjusted to fit one’s constitution and circumstance. The right eating behaviors are important for yoga practitioners as well. 


Here we can know more about the different types of food like sattvic, Rajasic, Tamasic. To stay healthy and energetic we are recommended you that try to eat sattvic food. 

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