Bhramari Pranayama | Steps of doing humning bee Pranayama with benefits - Masterofitness


Bhramari Pranayama | Steps of doing humning bee Pranayama with benefits - Masterofitness

The Sanskrit word “Bhramari” means the humning of a bee. During this Pranayama a sound, resembling the hum of a bee is made while exhaling.

So this Pranayama is called Bhramari Pranayama.


Sit comfortably in Padmasana, Siddhasana or Sukhasana on a blanket or carpet. Let the waist, back, spinal column remain erect. Breathe normally. Close both your ears with the index lingers of both hands. Raise your elbows to the level of your shoulders. 

Now slowly draw your breath in and fill your lungs. Retain your breath. Now exhale slowly by making a sweet melodious sound like the buzzing of a bee. Go on doing so till you are completely out of breath. 

Lengthen the exhalation as long as possible through the nose and close your mouth while making the sound and while exhaling. Keep your tongue in its proper place. Continue this sound, which should be uniform. It should not be very light, heavy or intermittent.

 After full exhalation, repeat it. Do this once in the beginning. Increase it upto 20 times gradually.


Bhramari Pranayama is very easy. This Pranayama should be done in solitary place with a peaceful atmosphere. Therefore, night or early morning is the best time for this Pranayama.


The practice of this Pranayama makes the voice pleasant and melodious. The diseases of throat are cured and the vocal organs become strong. It increases the power of concentration and one attains peace by its practice.

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