Bhastrika Pranayama - How to do Bhastrika and Its Benefits

Bhastrika Pranayama - How to do Bhastrika and Its Benefits

The Sanskrit word “Bhastrika” means “bellows”. It is a bag make out of leather to blow the fire and increase flames. Bellows generally are used by the blacksmiths. In this Pranayama the action of breathing is like that of the bellows. So this Pranayama is called Bhastrika Pranayama.


There are 3 techniques for doing Bhastrika Pranayama:

(1) With the left nostril — It is called Chandranga Bhastrika.

(2) With the right nostril — It is called Suryanga Bhastrika.

(3) With both nostrils — It is called Chandranga-Suryanga Bhastrika.

(1) Chandranga Bhastrika:

Sit in Padmasana, Siddhasana or Sukhasana on a caipet or blanket. Keep the waist, back, neck and the spinal column erect. Close the right nostril with the right thumb or index finger and bring the elbow to the level of the shoulder. Close your eyes. Now inhale and exhale slowly through the left nostril in the beginning. Slowly increase the speed of inhalation and exhalation. After 10 or 12 times, the speed of breathing should be as fast as the motion of bellows. While exhaling slap your navel region. After 20 or 25 times of inhalating and exhalating with great force, take a long breath and retain it. Hold on comfortably as long as possible. Slowly increase the time of retention. Now exhale through the right nostril by closing the left nostril with the left thumb or index finger or we can do the same also with right ring finger. After taking rest, you can begin again.

(2) Suryanga Bhastrika:

Sit in Padmasana, Siddhasana or Sukhasana on a carpet or blanket. Keep the waist, back, neck and the spinal column erect. Close the left nostril with the left thumb or index finger and bring the elbow to the level of your shoulder. Close your eyes.Now inhale and exhale slowly through the right nostril. Slowly increase the speed. After 10 or 12 times of inhalation and exhalation the speed of breathing should be as fast as the motion of the bellows. While exhaling, slap your navel. After breathing in and out with great force for 20 to 25 times, take a deep breath and retain it. Hold on comfortably as long as possible. Slowly increase the time of retention. Now exhale through the left nostril by closing the right nostril with the right thumb After a little rest you can start again.

(3) Chandranga-Suryanga Bhastrika:

Sit in Padmasana, Siddhasana or Sukhasana on a carpet or blanket. Keep the waist, back, neck and spinal column erect. Keep both hands on the knees in Jnana Mudra position. Close your eyes start by inhalation and exhale through both nostrils. Increase the speed of breathing in and breathing out gradually. After 10 or 12 times the speed of breathing should be as fast as the motion of bellows. While exhaling slap the navel. After breathing in and out with great force for 20 or 25 times, take a deep breath and retain it. Hold on comfortably as long as possible. Slowly increase the time of retention. Now exhale through both nostrils and take rest. You can repeat this.


Bhastrika Pranayama should not be done in stunner. During winter, you can repeat Chandranga and Suryanga Pranayama about 5 times daily. If you have to practice Chandranga and Suryanga Pranayama separately, you can repeat each of them 3 times.


Bhastrika Pranayama should not be done by persons with a weak heart, lungs, eye sight, complaints of blood pressure or any kind of illness should also not do it. Only healthy persons should do this. The day on which Bhastrika Pranayama is practiced, one must take ghee, milk and butter or else you may get pain in the chest and throat, or you may spit blood and harm the lungs; it may also result in coughing or other respiratory diseases. Therefore weak persons should not do this Pranayama too often. If there is any blockage in the nostrils, it should be cleared by Jala Neti.


Bhastrika is a very important Pranayama. It reduces excess fat, tones up digestion and produces heat in the body. It imparts energy and dries up phlegm. It helps cure asthma and other respiratory diseases. It strengthens the lungs. It provides oxygen to the body and expels carbon dioxide. It purifies the blood and aids circulation. It tones up the nervous system and the brain.

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