Sitkari Pranayama steps and Benefits - Masterofitness

Sitkari Pranayama steps and Benefits - Masterofitness

The sound, “Si Si” comes out during the performances of this Pranayama. It also induces a feeling of cold in the body. So this Pranayama is called Sitkari Pranayama.

sitkari Pranayama is a Sanskrit Word which means,

Sitkari means, sipping or Hissing

Prana means Life-force

ayama means Extension 

Steps to do Sitkari Pranayama

Sit in Padmasana, Siddhasana or Sukhasana on a blanket or carpet. Keep the waist, back, neck and the spinal column erect. 

Keep both your hands on the knees. Sit comfortably closing your eyes. 

Bring your jaws together. Now place the front portion of the tongue against the front teeth and the rest of the tongue on the palate. Keep the lips open.

 Now inhale through the mouth. Inhale through the right and left side of the lips while making the sound “Si-Si”. 

After inhaling, close your mouth. Retain breath and do Jalandhara Bandha. 

After retaining your breath comfortably as long as possible, release the Jalandhara Bandha and exhale through both nostrils.

 In the beginning this Pranayama should be done only thrice. It can be increased up to 15 to 20 times gradually.

Precautions or Contradictions during Sitkari Pranayama:

  • Avoid doing sitkari Pranayama in atmosphere which is too polluted.
  • Also avoid sitkari pranayama in Cold weather because it cool down the body temperature.
  • those who suffer from cold, cough, bronchitis and Asthma please avoid these pranayama.


The advantages of this Pranayama are similar to those of Sitali Pranayama. One should be careful in practicing this Pranayama as with Sitali Pranayama.

  • It reduces the fever
  • helps in low blood pressure.
  • it is helpful to those fighting to Insomnia
  • It also relaxes mind and body

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