Sitali Pranayama with benefits and technique -Masterofitness

Sitali Pranayama with benefits and technique -Masterofitness

The practice of this Pranayama helps the body to keep cool. Therefore, this Pranayama is called Sitali Pranayama.

sitali means the cooling breath.


Sit in Padmasana, Siddhasana or Sukhasana on a blanket or carpet. Keep the waist, back, neck and the spinal column erect. 

Keep both the hands in the state of Jnanamudra on the knees. Sit peacefully with your eyes closed. 

In the beginning exhale through both nostrils. Now put out tongue. Lift both sides of the tongue, twist it and make it round like a pipe. 

The shape of the tongue should resemble the beak of a crow. Now slowly inhale through tongue. Fill Your lungs fully with air. Now put your tongue inside and close your mouth.

 Retain breath. Hold your breath comfortably as long as possible. In the end, exhale through both nostrils and relax comfortably. 

You should start this Pranayama repeating it only for 3 times in the beginning. You can gradually go up to 15 times.


Shitali Pranayama should be done in summer and not in winter. People having too much of phlegm should not do it.


  • This is very beneficial for persons suffering from high blood pressure.
  •  It relieves indigestion and disorders of the bile (pitta). 
  • It cools the body, gives it energy and radiance. 
  • It is beneficial for the skin and eyes.
  •  People suffering from dryness of the mouth should practice it. 
  • It helps cure tonsillitis and other diseases of the throat.
  •  It is very good for haughty people and a cure for excessive thirst.

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