How to do Ocean breath (ujjayi Pranayama) with their benefits - Masterofitness

How to do Ocean breath (ujjayi Pranayama) with their benefits - Masterofitness

The prefix “Ud” in the word Ujjayi means ‘aloud’. A loud sound is produced during the performance of this Pranayama. So it is called Ujjayi Pranayama.


Sit in Padmasana, Siddhasana or Sukhasana on a blanket or carpet. Let your waist, back, neck and the spinal column be erect. Your eyes can either be open or closed. First exhale fully. 

Draw in the breath through both nostrils. Expand the chest. During inhalation, your glottis should remain partially closed. Glottis is the opening between the vocal cords.

 While inhaling, produced the sound that is produced in continuous sobbing, by partially closing the glottis. 

The face muscles should not be contracted during inhalation. Abdominal muscles should be well controlled. Inhale smoothly and uniformly.

After deep inhalation, retain your breath as long as possible. While retaining your breath do Jalandhara Bandha.

 In the beginning, you can retain your breath for 8 to 10 seconds. Gradually you can increase the time.

After retaining breath comfortably for some time, first open the Jalandhara Bandha and then exhale slowly through the left nostril at a uniform speed. The glottis should all along remain partially closed.

Exhalation should take double the time of inhalation. This is a single round of Ujjayi Pranayama. In the beginning, you can do this 2 or 3 times. With sufficient practice you can go up to 10 rounds.


Retention of breath should be done comfortably according to one’s capacity. It should be increased gradually. Exhalation may be done through both nostrils in the beginning.


This is a highly beneficial Pranayama against diseases’ of lungs, chest and throat.

 It purifies the blood and improves blood circulation to a great extent.

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