The best way of doing Chandra Bhedana Pranayama - Masterofitness

The best way of doing Chandra Bhedana Pranayama - Masterofitness

The practice of this Pranayama stimulates the nerves controlled by the moon. Therefore, this Pranayama is called Chandra Bhedana Pranayama or Chandra Bhedaka Pranayama.


Sit in Padmasana, Siddhasana or Sukhasana on a blanket or carpet. Keep the waist, back, neck and the spinal column erect. 

Close your eyes. Sit quietly and keep the left hand on the left knee. Close the right nostril with the right thumb. Now inhale audibly through the left nostril. 

Fill your lungs. Retain your breath. Do Jalandhara Bandha and hold on comforta¬bly as long as possible. 

Now press the left nostril with the right index finger. Open the Jalandhar Bandha. Expel your breath slowly. Now relax comfortably. This is one round of Chandra Bhedan Pranayam.

It is enough to do this twice in the beginning. Gradually increase number to 15 or 20.


While doing Chandra Bhedana Pranayama each time one should breathe in through the left nostril forcefully and breathe out through right nostril. During retention one should feel as if the whole body is filled with Prana.


Chandra Bhedana Pranayama should not be done in winter. It should be done only in summer.


The practice of Chandra Bhedan Pranayama reduces the flow of gall and as such the body heat is reduced. It helps cure heart burn and laziness.

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