How to do Bakasana( crow pose) - Masterofitness

 You have seen the picture you might have also tried but a thing is in bakasana there are multiple body parts are involved like your shoulder strength your arm strength your core strength your balancing as well as your wrist strength.

  so you might ignore the wrist trend but then your we have to be very very careful because you're lifting your whole body on the wrist correct you're lifting your whole body on your palm. 

  Balasana and kakasana both are the similar balancing asana in hatha yoga and in modern yoga as exercise. 

  Meaning of bakasana in Sanskrit is, baka means crane or crow(kaka) and asana impels to pose

Preparatory poses for bakasana

Follow-up Poses for bakasana

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Benefits of bakasana

  • It strengthen the abdomen, wrist, arm.
  • This bakasana can increase your confidence in yoga so you can able to do arm balanced asana.
  • It improves balanced and core strength.

Precautions for Bakasana

  • If you are suffer from such condition recent wrist or shoulder injury, heart problems, carpal tunnel syndrome or cerebral thrombosis.
  • Consult your doctor before beginning an exercise.

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Steps for Bakasana

  1.  Bend your knees slightly so that you can lay your palms flat on the floor, about the distance from your shoulders.  
  2. Place the palm of your hand firmly on the mat around the forefoot.  Open your fingers and press the top joint of each finger.  Bend your elbows back.  
  3. Don't bend them into full Chaturanga arms, but move in that direction. Lift the soles of your feet and open your knees to align them with your upper arms.  
  4. Place your knees on the back of your upper arms.  Begin to stretch his weight into his hands and raise his head as he goes.  
  5. Tip up your toes, then lift one foot and leave the other foot off the floor.
  6.   Engage the inner thighs to maintain support while keeping the knees on the arms. Hug your feet toward your ass.  
  7. Focus on the feeling of physical improvement.  Avoid sinking into the posture, as the posture may load the shoulders.

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In the bakasana, we can see that how's bakasana can help us with its benefits. Also we knows it's steps to do crow pose(bakasana), preparatory poses, follow up poses and precautions that you have take. I hope you are satisfied with the information that I have provided.

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