Dandasana the staff Pose that helps to improve your posture!

Dandasana the staff Pose that helps to improve your posture!

Dandasana is also known as staff pose. It is a seated yoga pose in the modern yoga pose.

In Sanskrit, 

danda means stick or staff  

asana means posture or pose

Preparatory poses:

Follow-up Poses

  • Bharadvaja’s twist
  • Purvottanasana


Pose type:

Stretch, restorative


Pose Level




  • Sit on the floor with back straight and legs extended out in front of you.
  •  Place your palms next to your hips on floor
  • Press the sitting bones in the floor and found the crown of your head to ceiling to lengthen and strengthen the spine.
  • Breathe Normally, and hold the pose for about 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Slowly return to starting position.



  • Helps to improve posture
  • Strengthen back muscles
  • Strengthen chest and shoulders
  • Lengthen and stretches the spine.


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