Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limb pose) with benefits and procedure to perform wisely.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limb pose) with benefits and procedure to  perform wisely.

Today's we'll be focusing on the right alignments of chaturanga dandasana. How to get into the posture? how to release the posture chaturanga.

chatura means four angas is limbs danda is like a stick.

Pose type:

Strength, stretch.

Pose Type:


Preparatory poses:

Follow-up poses:


  • It will strengthen your arm, wrist, Shoulder also.
  • It has also strengthened your spine
  • With the endurance and focused practicing these chaturanga dandasana can boost your self-confidence and fill enthusiastic and ready to doing more yoga poses.


  • If you have a pain in shoulder, wrist and back pain the pleased avoid these poses.
  • Pregnant women's also avoid these chaturanga dandasana.
  • If you have serving from carpel tunnel syndrome the avoiding doing this pose.

 You are balancing all your weight on four limbs and your body is like a stick your head hips and your heels are in one line like a stick.

You have to engage your core you need to engage your quadriceps. you need to use your shoulders your biceps to hold the posture. this is one such posture which is practiced multiple times in ashtanga class. so, you have to make sure that you are doing it correctly because if done wrong.

so many times, you will end up injuring yourself most of us. have this assumption that the posture looks hard and not easy to achieve yes, it is hard but then if you follow the correct alignments, you practice it regularly you will easily achieve.

It so let's get started let's start with the foundation get onto your force and yes when you get onto your force just make sure that your fingers, they are wide open and your inner elbows they spin towards each other like this your knees slightly apart fingers wide open and your wrist comes right under your shoulder like in such a way that your thumb comes right under your shoulder.

So basically, this distance between your palms is slightly wider than your shoulders slightly wider now from here we'll go for the basic warm-up and also make sure that you are leaning your weight little forward.

So your shoulders they are little bit ahead of your wrists like this and now start making circles make sure your entire palm is engaged.
do the side especially your index knuckle is engaged now relax again onto your force now we'll practice protraction and retraction for protraction.

Your shoulder blades go away from each other and you round your spine you round your upper back like this so here shoulder blades going away from each other retraction is shoulder blades come closer and you drop your chest down.

We'll do it a few more times protract retract shoulder blades going away from each other retract neutral your spine for chaturanga dandasana starting position is plank.

So keeping everything same all the alignment same straightening your legs here your body is in a straight line and do not allow your hips to sink down like this and you're not taking your hips high like this protracted upper backdrop.

Your tailbone down look ahead pushing through your heels. now make sure you're leaning your weight forward your shoulders.
slightly ahead of your wrists now inhale engage your quads as well exhale bend your elbows and go down until your shoulders in line with your elbows.

Push yourself up drop that's how you get into chaturanga dandasana and this is the foundation not just for chaturanga dandasana but for any arm balance this is the foundation.

So we'll do it one more time fingers wide open tap your toes shift your weight slightly forward making sure that inside of elbows facing each other protracted upper back tailbone dropped down looking forward inhale exhale and then stay there exhale completely and release if you are a pure beginner and you found this practice hard what you can do is you can keep your knees down I'll show you how you can do the beginner version.

First get into plank from there drop your knees down other alignments are absolutely same inhale exhale inhale up exhale and then hold it there push sit back relax catch your breath.

You must be feeling a lot around your wrist and maybe in your forearms but by chance. if you're having a pinching pain outer side of your wrist that means you did not engage your inner knuckles properly.

so for that make sure you are pressing your palms nicely into the mat and pushing yourself away protracting your upper back and there are two things you should not be doing in chaturanga let me just told you.

You shouldn't be keeping your hips higher and taking your shoulders down or the other way making sure that your shoulders and your elbows are in one line with your dropped tail bone and you're looking ahead and you're pushing through your heels.


As you ready above these chaturanga dandasana is beneficial for spots person also. Generally they are doing plank pose. These pose can strengthen your spine, wrist, shoulder. Practicing yoga poses can help you to live long.

Yoga poses can not show results slowly so have patience they can give results slow but permeant. So keep practicing yoga poses. Also share articles if you think these are helpful to others.

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