Why Gomukhasana Belongs in Your Daily Yoga Practice?

                                          Why Gomukhasana Belongs in Your Daily Yoga Practice?

Gomukhasana, also known as Cow Face Pose, is a popular yoga posture that offers numerous benefits for the body, mind, and overall well-being. Derived from the Sanskrit words ‘go’ meaning cow, and ‘mukha’ meaning face, Gomukhasana is often accompanied by the analogous movement of a cow's head and horns.

In this blog post, we'll take an in-depth look at Gomukhasana, exploring its benefits, how to perform this pose correctly, contraindications, and modifications.


Pose Level:


Pose Type:

The hip opener, Seated

Preparatory Poses:


Follow-up Poses:



The Benefits of Gomukhasana:

Gomukhasana offers a range of physical and mental benefits. Some of the key ones are explained below:

1. Stretches the Hips and Thighs: Gomukhasana targets the glutes, deep hip rotators, and inner thighs, helping to increase flexibility in these areas.

2. Improves the Posture: The deep stretch of the upper arms, chest, and shoulders helps open up these areas, improving your overall posture.

3. Relieves Stress and Anxiety: Practicing Gomukhasana is an ideal way to relieve any built-up tension and anxiety from your upper body, restoring balance and calmness to mind and body.

4. Enhances Digestion: The Gomukhasana posture stimulates the abdominal organs, aiding digestion and preventing digestive issues.

5. Improves Respiratory Function: Engaging the chest and lungs in this posture helps to improve respiration, expanding and opening up the chest, and lungs.

6. Relieves Sciatica Pain: Gomukhasana is known to reduce the pain and discomfort associated with sciatica, which can be debilitating for some.


How to perform Gomukhasana:

To perform Gomukhasana, follow the steps below:

1. Sit comfortably on the floor with your legs extended in front of you.

2. Bend your left knee and bring your left heel under your right sitting bone.

3. Take your right leg and bend it so that your right ankle lies directly beneath your left knee.

4. Lift your right arm straight up towards the ceiling, then bend your elbow, allowing your fingers to come down your back between your shoulder blades.

5. Now take your left arm, reach it behind your back, and clasp your right hand, creating a bind if possible.

6. Hold the stretch for about 30 seconds, focusing on your breath.

7. Release the pose, uncross your legs, and repeat on the other side.


Modifications and Contraindications:

Gomukhasana may not be suitable for everyone, and there may be some cases where modifications may be necessary. Some of these include:

1. Anyone with a shoulder or lower back injury should avoid this pose altogether or perform it under the guidance of an instructor.

2. If you have limited mobility in your arms or shoulders, modify the pose by using a yoga strap, a towel, or a belt to hold your hands in position.

3. If you have knee or hip injuries, you may avoid crossing your legs and/or place a block or blanket under the hips.

4. Pregnant women should perform the stretch only under the guidance of an expert.

5. Those with chronic osteoarthritis, high/low blood pressure, vertigo, or any acute inflammatory condition in the shoulder joint, should avoid this posture.


Gomukhasana Conclusion:

Gomukhasana is a powerful yoga pose that can help stretch the body, enhance flexibility, and improve posture, among many other benefits. When practiced regularly, it can help bring a sense of calmness, balance, and harmony to the body and mind. Remember to always listen to your body, take breaks when necessary, and consult with a medical professional if you have any concerns before starting any new exercise routine.


So, take some time to incorporate Gomukhasana into your daily yoga practice and start reaping its many benefits!

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