How to practice Manjariasana or cat pose? with their benefits.

How to do a Marjariasana or cat Pose

Everyone haven’t a contact with pets like cat, dogs in childhood. Even now most of people like pets. Are you thought that pets can give us lesson about yoga?  most of people love cats and have them as a pet.

If you observe that pet can do some stretches to relax his body. Ancient people can learn from cat also and form a yoga pose called as a manjariasana or bidalasana.

Bidala and manjari means cat, asana means yoga pose.

Preparatory Pose


Follow-up Poses

  •  Uttana Shisosana (Extended Puppy Pose)
  •  Bitilasana (Cow Pose)
  •   Sphinx Pose

Pose Level


Pose Type:

Forward Bend

Steps of cat Pose

Today, be able to learn Margera's or cat pose marker arsonist an awesome that helps to bring mobility in the spine and the spine and the pelvis in a modern-day life lot of time. 

We stand in one position for too long and put weight more on one side of the body, and this is the reason why one side of the spine starts becoming a little shorter or stiffer at the same time the pelvis position tends to be in one place for too long either too much interior too much posterior.

 We want to move this. We want to move the spine in the same as the pelvic region, which is why this particular stretch or this particular fashion can be perfect for bringing mobility to the spine simultaneously in the films.

 When we do this, the anterior muscles can get stretched, which is in front from the truth down from the to the pelvic region and also the posterior muscles, which are from the neck down to the tailbone region, can stretch nicely.

 So, when we practice this, we have to keep in mind that. We have to increase the range so that you feel the strain at no point in time, especially in the lower back.

 When we feel strain in the lower back, take care and not exceed beyond the punch. There is a difference between the stretch, and there is a difference between pain.

 So, to understand, be a little sensitive to understand what is stretched and go to Spain and don't over with you let's see what's the position of this mattress or cow and cap rows. so we will come on the force and what is coming to a tabletop position.

 So we come to a tabletop position now where we should place a pound. The distance between the palm should be according to the show and thin girls already engaged so that there is no stream coming on the wrist joint and the distance between the knee is according to the hip widths this is the distance now the question comes what how much should be the distance between the palm Anthony because your people mainly keep the hands to close this they can feel. 

They will strain when few people if their hands are too much away from the knee, they cannot handle the stretch it has effectively, so the distance between the palm and the knee is according to the length of your trunk.

 The body will look like a table actuate this, and that's why it is also called a tabletop position now; when we start, you will begin the inhalation by going into a cow pose. 

So, when we inhale, we lift the chin, we raise our chest, and then we press the lower back down, and when we exhale, we will exhale by lifting the lower back, upper-middle backs up, lifting the upper back up and then trying to bring the chin down to the chest.

So, it's like a convex Sing hand concaving the spine. So, we will synchronize this with breathing, you see, to understand this, when we inhale, we move from up to down from the head to the chest to the lower back and when we exhibit move from down to up from the lower back, middle back upper back and then into the lead. 

So, we will repeat this at least three times when you do it on your own if you do it from about five to ten times.

 It will be nice to feel the stretch in the back muscles and the front parcels the antenna muscles in the posse of ourselves and also the movement happening in the spine and the pelvis.

so, when I inhale and lift the chin chest and press the lower back bending to the floor when I exhale and lift the middle-lower back upper back up and bring the chin down to the chest this is a cactus inhalation going into a cow pose exhalation coming to a cat pose do this for some time may be about five to seven repetitions in this Pallava increase the mobility in the spine and also increase the mobility in the pelvis.

Benefits of Cat Pose

  • It stretches the back and Neck.
  •  It massages the spine and increases its Mobility.
  •  Also, spinal fluid circulation increases.
  • Strengthen the muscles of wrists and hands so we prepare them for Downward Dog Pose.


In this yoga pose, we get the information about cat pose with its benefits and how gives benefit to your spine and neck. Also strengthen your wrist and hand. 

From cat we lean this yoga so get lesson from this to observe the things happens around us you learn lots of things from it. Share this post who will get help from it.


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