Bhujpidasana is also known as shoulder pressing posture. It strengthen your arm and wrist.
It is a hand balancing asana in modern yoga as exercise. A variant pose, Eka Hasta Bhujasana, has one leg stretched out straight forwards.
Preparatory poses:
- Bakasana
- Baddha Konasana
- Garudasana
- Mālāsana
Follow-up poses:
- Uttanasana
- Adho mukha svanasana
- Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana
Pose level:
Pose Type:
- This improves your control over body and improves concentration.
- This yoga pose also strengthens your wrists, hands and your upper body. Also improves blood circulation in the body.
- This yoga posture improves abdomen muscles and digestion. Also promote metabolism in your body.
- If you have any problem of blood pressure and cervical spondylosis then avoid this posture.
- If you have any kind of injury in elbows, wrist, lower back and shoulder then don't do this asana.
- Take help from your yoga instructor to do this asana.
from down dog we're going to move into boo JP Donna where you'll jump your feet outside your hands so as you're jumping you really want to transfer the weight into the palms of the hands and really push the floor to lower down softly exhale and jump your feet outside the hands.
now the modification where we start off in preparation for this pose is bending the knees significantly and working the hands behind the knees.
so you lift the right heel up and press the hand behind my ankle so that you can get the shoulder behind the knee then you can release the heel down and set the fingertips back behind the heel.
then you'll do the other side lift the left heel take the left hand behind the ankle and work the left shoulder behind the knee and then set the left heel down and the left hand down now once you've gotten to this point.
you want to squeeze the elbows in resist the shoulders out and squeeze the knees in towards the shoulders translates to shoulder pressure pose and the reason is because you really want to have the knees quizzing in and the shoulders resisting out.
so this may be where you stay or you can start to sit the hips back now it's not uncommon here for as you try to sit the hips back to just fall back on your butt and lose the pose but do your best just keep working on bending the knees and sending the hips back.
so that they come inside the elbows so you may stay here just working on that flexibility or the next stages to mean the way back and lift the feet up off the floor and then lift the feet and cross the ankles so you can stay in this position for five counts the next stage would be to lower down to your head now.
if your ankles aren't fully crossed in other words if your feet are more like this there are more toes are just crossed then as you fold down you're not going to be able to get your feet through so really tightening it up and getting the ankles to cross will be really helpful.
so that you cross the ankles point the toes lift the hips up and use your fingers to let you slowly lower down to the top of your head and then you'll hold here for five reps lifting your heels out and rounding your back.
it's one to keep elbows in shoulders down three four and five now to transition you slowly you kind of roll down towards your forehead a little bit or the top of the hair line and the use your fingers to lift you up undo the ankles take the knees in comeback to bakasana and exhale to chaturanga inhale to up dog and exhale to down dog you.
In this posture, we can see that different Variation in poses.
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